VTech is partnering with Reverse Logistics Group Americas to help reduce our carbon footprint on the environment to offer an elec-tronic recycling program for consumers. We recognize that our climate change is a serious threat and believe it's our job to be a small part of reducing as much as waste as we can. Recycling electronics with a 4" screen or larger helps extend the life and usefulness of something that has already served its initial purpose by producing something new.
Recycling also helps lessen global warming and reduce pollution by saving energy in industrial production. By recycling, green-house gas emissions from factories and industrial plants are less-ened and the use of fuels that emit harmful gases during produc-tion is also minimized. Recycling non-biodegradable waste (rather than burning it) contributes to helping reduce air pollution and greenhouse gasses that depletes the ozone layer.
Recycle your InnoTab products today and make sure you're doing your part!

VTech is partnering with Reverse Logistics Group Americas to help reduce our carbon footprint on the environment to offer an elec-tronic recycling program for consumers. We recognize that our climate change is a serious threat and believe it's our job to be a small part of reducing as much as waste as we can. Recycling electronics with a 4" screen or larger helps extend the life and usefulness of something that has already served its initial purpose by producing something new.
Recycling also helps lessen global warming and reduce pollution by saving energy in industrial production. By recycling, green-house gas emissions from factories and industrial plants are less-ened and the use of fuels that emit harmful gases during produc-tion is also minimized. Recycling non-biodegradable waste (rather than burning it) contributes to helping reduce air pollution and greenhouse gasses that depletes the ozone layer.
Recycle your InnoTab products today and make sure you're doing your part!